Tyro Service Status

Possible integration issues
Incident Report for Tyro Platform Service
The possible integration issue is now resolved, and our systems have returned to normal. We’re sorry for any inconvenience caused to you and your customers.
Posted Apr 24, 2024 - 14:27 AEST
We’re currently experiencing an issue impacting some customers’ ability to process integrated transactions.

Your machine should still be able to process standalone transactions. To switch to this mode, please refer to the following article: https://help.tyro.com/s/article/How-to-switch-between-integration-modes-Standalone-Integrated-and-Pay-Table

To process a transaction in Stand Alone mode, please refer to this article: https://help.tyro.com/s/article/How-to-process-transactions-on-a-Tyro-EFTPOS-machine#purchase1-1

Please note, this workaround will bypass the Point of Sale/Practice Management Software system which means that there will be a mismatch between the Point of Sale/Practice Management Software and the Tyro machine reporting at the end of the day.

The team are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible, and we’ll continue to provide updates on our progress.
Posted Apr 24, 2024 - 11:28 AEST
A possible issue has been identified with our systems. We are currently investigating. Further updates will follow shortly.
Posted Apr 24, 2024 - 10:59 AEST
This incident affected: POS Integration.